Tension at Work Leads to Stress: Read to Know More

Stressed Out From Work

Work-related stress is an adverse response that happens if the demand of work surpasses your coping capabilities. Other tensions at work, like bullying, feeling of inadequacy or undesirable working environment can also lead to stress.

Working is good since it gives structure in your life and can sometimes give satisfaction. A particular amount of tension at work is normally good. It helps you to do better at your job and prepares you for actions and challenges. Often, if demands and pressure are just too much, it results in work-related stress. And if it is not managed in time, it may cause a lot of emotional distress, affecting your personal life too.

Work-Related Stressors

1. Work-life Balance

The pressure of work has the chance to go overboard and upset home and personal life and as a result putting stress on relationships outside work, such as:

2. Work Relationships

A lot of jobs require constant contact with other individuals at work. Having poor and uncooperative relationships with co-workers can be another source of pressure. And, pressure is also present if people feel alone and unfairly treated.

Bad work relationships can be because of:

3. Overload

The amount of pressure individuals feel when the strains of their work and related time pressures are a source of stress, like:

Unrealistic targets and goals, sometimes the end-product of super accomplishments by many talented people.

4. Resources and Communication

In order for workers to do their job effectively, they need to feel they have the proper training, tools, and resources. Workers should also need to feel that they are sufficiently informed, and they are valued. Stress can be caused by:

5. Control

The familiarity of pressure is likely associated with the perception of control. The absence of proper guidance and discussion in the way work is planned and executed can be a possible source of pressure, such as:

6. Job Security

This is the degree at which the absence of job security and various job alterations are the source of pressure, such as:

7. Pays and Benefits

The financial rewards related to the work are vital in terms of lifestyle. These are sometimes viewed upon as a sign of the worth and value of an individual to the organization. Though financial reward is not the key motivator, it may be a factor if there are further bad aspects of the work.

8. Aspects of the Job

These are the possible sources of pressure that is associated with the basic nature of the job. Factors like type of work, physical working conditions and the degree of satisfaction resulting from the job.


To calm your mind and body, there are a few ways to lessen the bad effects of work-related stress. Below are the effective actions:

1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture helps them in efficient management of stress and anxiety by improving blood circulation throughout the body. It helps you restore your body’s natural balance, reduces your blood pressure, and relaxes your body to respond to stress in a better fashion. It may help you deal with emotional restlessness and naturally heal from stress.

2. Self-Help

Try to identify what is causing your stress at work and what means are helping you to perform better. It is sometimes helpful to talk any problems that you’re facing with your co-workers and manager. There are other things that you can do to help reduce stress in your work.

3. Talking Therapies

CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) or counselling is a form of treatment that can help lessen stress and anxiety. It looks on how certain situations result to thoughts that affect your behaviour and feelings. You can have a one-to-one CBT session or as part of a group. A full course of CBT session usually lasts for five to 20 weeks.

4. Complementary Therapies

Aromatherapy and massage can help encourage a sense of wellbeing and offer a soothing environment that helps relaxes your mind. There’s minimal scientific evidence that shows whether or not aromatherapy is effective in the treatment of stress.


To sum it up, nipping in the bud can help you overcome work-related stress before it becomes too overbearing. Juggling professional as well as personal lives, while trying to give the best of everything is what modern day lifestyle demands. In this case, make sure your diet incorporates the best brain foods such as almonds, broccoli, turmeric, berries, which will boost your memory power. For more such health-related content please, visit Health Web Magazine.

Stuart Gomez Stuart Gomez is a popular writer and health expert. He is very passionate about writing about Mental Health and Fitness. He has posted articles on natural ways of improving memory, types of anxiety disorders, foods that enhance your brainpower, and many more. Apart from work he likes reading and listening to music.

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