Acupuncture Can Offer You Natural Fertility Help

Acupuncture is a natural, effective way to redirect your energy and regulate your bodily systems. While you may think of acupuncture as a way to manage chronic conditions, treat migraines, or help you recover from injury, acupuncture can be tailored to address a wide variety of issues -- from sleep problems to anxiety. 

This ancient Chinese form of therapy can also help boost a woman’s or a man’s fertility, especially when a couple is struggling to get pregnant.

 Infertility is frustrating and devastating when all you want to do is add to your family. At Family Wellness Acupuncture Inc., we want to help families in Orange County achieve a healthy pregnancy with a treatment plan that includes acupuncture, herbs, and nutrition. We help women and men who have fertility disorders or who are undergoing reproductive technology such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination.

Read on to learn how acupuncture can help you boost your fertility in an all-natural, drug-free way. 

How acupuncture works

During an acupuncture appointment, our licensed, experienced acupuncturist inserts ultra-thin, sterile needles into specific points on your body. These points are located on meridians, channels of “energy” which regulate how certain bodily systems function.

Acupuncture and fertility problems

Acupuncture can help women with infertility caused by certain medical problems, including thyroid issues. It may also help when a woman has repeated pregnancy loss, unexplained infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome, or elevated follicle-stimulating hormone.

Coming in for acupuncture may improve ovarian function, treat amenorrhea or irregular menstrual cycles, and help with ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids. Men may see improved sperm counts and sperm quality with acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture can also help you relax while you’re struggling with infertility. We develop a customized plan and protocol depending on your particular infertility case.

How does acupuncture fit into an infertility treatment plan?

Acupuncture usually involves 4-6 months of treatment. You may also undergo it before you start more invasive forms of fertility treatment, such as IVF or donor egg transfer. Sometimes acupuncture may resolve infertility and make these steps unnecessary. Or it can be used to support wellness during your reproductive technology efforts.

We recommend women come in 1-2 times each week. Men looking for infertility treatment benefit from 2-3 months of once-per-week sessions.

Whether or not you pursue only acupuncture and herbal treatments or use them in combination with medical interventions is completely up to you. We support you in your treatment decision and can help you understand the pros and cons of each approach. 

When you do successfully conceive, we work with you during pregnancy to keep you and your baby healthy through quality prenatal care. We can also help with your healing after delivery.

When you’re having trouble with fertility, treating it with as many therapies as possible helps increase your chances of conceiving. If you’re ready to try acupuncture for fertility wellness, call one of our offices in Irvine or Newport Beach, California, and make an appointment with one of our licensed acupuncturists. Online booking is also available. 

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